Cooking for the seul,

While cooking for the soul.

This is a visual documentation of my journey in the world of food & beverage, but crafted for One (seul being the French word for individual or solo). As someone who’s always intrigued by and seeking the unfamiliar on the menu of any restaurant or bar, I wanted to create a medium to invite those like me, to really serve it up - but on a scale that would be sensible to the pocket, taste buds, and effort taken. Living by myself and cooking for myself for several years before I became one half of a household of two, taught me that while everything edible and potable looked decadent on the internet, my skills and palette did not necessarily agree with that. That is how the idea for a scaled down food blog really got wheels. That is how seulfood was born.

Today, I spend my time tweaking and prodding, flourishing and sometimes failing, but always working to create the elements to help you master the art of setting a table for one. Seulfood is result of 6 years’ worth of my own culinary trials and tribulations, and with it, my hope is to bring a little more soul into the food you cook for your seul.